superposition theorem

英 [ˌsjuːpəpəˈzɪʃən ˈθɪərəm] 美 [ˌsupərpəˈzɪʃən ˈθiːərəm]




  1. According to the superposition theorem of the field, the series solutions of the potential and the field of a thin cylindrical surface having limited length charged uniformly are derived.
  2. When superposition theorem is used to analysis and calculate linear circuits containing controlled sources, independent sources can perform the function independently while controlled sources can not.
  3. A Method of Reactive Power Compensation Dispatch Based on Matrix Superposition Theorem
  4. The Initial Values and Superposition Theorem of Linear Higher-Order Circuit
  5. Discussion on Gauss 'theorem and Superposition Theorem of Electric Field Strength
  6. The linear power superposition theorem is proposed by the one dimension characteristics of energy.
  7. Can't Apply the Superposition Theorem for the Power of the Linear Time-Invariant Sinusoidal Steady State Circuit?
  8. Using the step response behavior of inertia process and the superposition theorem of linear system, this paper puts forward a fuzzy predictive model of dead-time processes.
  9. Then the eigenvalue problem of free vibration of annular sector plates is transformed into the eigenvalue problem of integral equation by using superposition theorem.
  10. The Application of Superposition Theorem in Symmetrical Circuits
  11. Linear equations, superposition theorem, and complex exponential expression
  12. This paper presents a method for calculating the initial values in initial condition of the linear higher-order circuit and gives the proof for the superposition theorem of the linear higher-order dynamic circuit.
  13. In this Paper, the far field RCS analytical formula of a plate partially coated with a lossy medium strip is derived from the high frequency diffracted coefficients of a wedge with impedance surfaces, superposition theorem and physical optics approximation.
  14. A New Method to process linear controlled source in application of superposition theorem
  15. This paper describes the characters of independent sources and controlled sources, presents analytical method by which controlled sources can perform independently, and extends superposition theorem.
  16. In comparison with the original explicit superposition theorem, the application of this theorem can be more effective in simplifying the circuit calculation.
  17. Superposition theorem and Substitution theorem are used to Write the state equations for linear and non-linear circuits, then complex programs for elimination of non-state variables can be avoided and the state equations are written quickly and accurately.
  18. In this papar, the superposition theorem of conduction system in uniform dielectric and its application are discussed.
  19. According to the electric potential of a point charge and the superposition theorem of the field, a series solutions of the potential and the field of a uniformly charged ring are derived.
  20. Stress superposition theorem is successfully introduced to the nonlinear analysis under biaxial loading which ensure the continuity and applicability of the equation in whole stress-space.
  21. This paper presents a new method, which applies superposition to cut aggregation analysis, that issues superposition theorem to establish and get solution of equation of cut aggregation analysis in resolving linear time invariant network.
  22. We obtain the series solution of the potential of a uniformly charged disc and its equipotential surfaces using the superposition theorem.
  23. The relationship between the structure response and modal parameters is based on the modal superposition theorem by which a simple and efficient program for calculating the modal parameters could be made.
  24. Validity of superposition theorem of boundary water level conditions in aquifers;
  25. Using superposition theorem in linear ciruit with controlled Sources
  26. New application of superposition theorem in cut aggregation analysis
  27. After those analytical solutions are utilized by superposition theorem, the solutions of arbitrary completed problems can be obtained.
  28. In the end, a example of using this superposition theorem for the analysis of mechanisms is given.
  29. Firstly, the temperature and radiation field theory of time domain PTR method was established according to the theory of frequency domain PTR technique and Superposition theorem.
  30. Based on the superposition theorem of linear differential equation, the SINS equation is analyzed. The strapdown algorithm is rearranged after predigesting the states equations in two-time scales.